NaNoWriMo 2016, Week 4

I went into NaNoWriMo 2016 with a general plan for this novel, but nothing concrete. While I knew how chapter one was going to play out, since then I've been making it up as I went (which, I know that's how all writing is obviously, but you know what I mean), and while I really like what I've got so far (which is a word count that is a little more than half of the entirety of Wondrous while still only covering act one of this book), I'm looking forward to the chaos of NaNoWriMo winding down now that I don't feel like I need to write thousands of words every single day. It'll give me time to sit down and outline the rest of the book so that I have more of a road map and can structure the events in the best way possible. 

Day Fifteen (11/21). I decided to skip ahead and write the last sequence of chapter 6, which I honestly think turned out pretty great. Got through a little over 2,200 words, so the NaNoWriMo word count goal is within my grasp! There are still two or three sections to write in chapter six, but I'm really pleased with how the opening and closing ended up. Possibly one of my favorite chapters so far. 

Day Sixteen (11/22). Wrote another 2,500 words and...hit the 50k goal! Officially completed the NaNoWriMo challenge eight days early, and it felt great. Still haven't finished chapter six, but I wrote another good portion of it and I know where I want it to go (for the most part). It's gonna be the longest chapter yet, but a lot of good stuff goes down. 

I'm glad I finished up NaNoWriMo on Tuesday, because I know that over the holiday weekend I'm gonna be very busy and not have any time to get writing done. I've gotten a good portion of this book done, but I don't think it's even halfway there yet; I might be on the tail-end of act one. But it's exciting to have come this far in just a month! Here's to hoping I keep up the momentum for the rest of the first draft process. And thanks to everyone who's been so supportive on twitter!

As a special treat, here's a tentative list of all the chapter names for what I've written so far: 

Prologue: Once
Chapter 1: Night Air
Chapter 2: Surely This Can't Be It
Chapter 3: Arrival
Chapter 4: The Body
Chapter 5: Sun to Moon
Chapter 6: Past the Cucumber Patch